We constructed a variety of cooking stoves using the neolithic method as part of Experimental ceramics, in the framework of exploring and studying the Neolithic people's methods of cooking.

Pottery had an important role in Neolithic households' daily activities. At that time, people prepared their meals using a variety of methods, apparatus, and implements that evolved over time.

Following extensive data collection through AUTH research programmes in which The Pottery Lab by Stagkidis took part, conducted studies on the cooking techniques and tools used by Neolithic people. Based on this study, we constructed:

  1. 1. Hearths built of clay and straw that are flat and shaped like a horseshoe where coals and refractory cookware are placed.
  2. Pastry-baking ovens built of clay and straw.
  3. Ovens (with an opening at the top). The amphiconical refractory ceramic containers, like the well-known Tsoukalia, are placed in the opening in the upper section of the oven walls.

• Construction technique: Neolithic era.
• Construction materials: Clay and Straw.

POTTERY LAB has, so far, manufactured several cooking stoves with ancient technique for:
• Archaeological Sites
• Presentations
• For university surveys
• Festival presentations
• For individuals for their personal use

Perhaps we should maintain the "simplicity" of this method of cooking in order to offer our daily lives a different flavor and scent.
